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Checkpoint for Tuesday 8 April 2014
Family doctors share patients' information with hospitals
6:56 PM.Hospital doctors can now access the health records held by family doctors for more than 200 thousand people in the Wellington region. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 8 April 2014
6:46 PM.The Environment Court has ruled the Crown should stop its move to take the Maori land of author Patricia Grace for a new road north of Wellington; The Pakeha architect who designed Te Papa Museum and… Read more Audio
Cardboard packaging cartel case finishes
6:42 PM.An Australian at the centre of a price-fixing cartel that forced Fonterra to pay more for its cardboard packaging has been ordered to pay nearly 100-thousand-dollars. Audio
No more pings heard from Malaysia plane
6:39 PM.Search crews hunting for the missing Malaysia Airlines jet have failed to relocate faint sounds heard deep below the Indian Ocean. Audio
Sports News for 8 April 2014
6:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Veteran awaits court ruling on neglect claims
6:26 PM.A Vietnam veteran who is accusing authorities of neglect must wait till next month to find out if the court backs him. Audio
Business News Update
6:23 PM.The troubled retailer Postie Plus has reported a near-4 million dollar loss for its first-half. Audio
Pharmac fund to combat high costs of rare disorder drugs
6:16 PM.Pharmac is setting up a five-million-dollar contestable fund in a bid to lower the prices of high-cost medicines needed by small numbers of patients. Audio
Dotcom calls Hollywood studio claims "stupid"
6:10 PM.Kim Dotcom is describing new Hollywood legal action against his former Megaupload company as a load of nonsense, and a science fiction script. Audio
Surplus target a little tougher as tax take falls
6:08 PM.The Finance Minister has conceded getting to surplus in the next financial year has got a little tougher as the tax take continues to fall below expectations. Audio
Separatists rounded up in eastern Ukraine
5:52 PM.In Ukraine, authorities say least seventy separatists who tried to storm the regional government's main administration buildings are now under arrest. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 8 April 2014
5:48 PM.The Environment Court has ruled the Crown should stop its move to take the Maori land of author Patricia Grace for a new road north of Wellington; The Pakeha architect who worked on designs for Te… Read more Audio
Serious delays for Christchurch commuters
5:45 PM.Christchurch commuters are tonight bracing for more traffic jams on central city streets clogged by road works. Audio
Countdown's owner won't be called before MPs
5:42 PM.Government members of the Commerce Select Committee have rejected a Labour move to call in a supermarket company over a letter the committee's acting chair has described as menacing, if not… Read more Audio
Business confidence still highest in 20 years
5:39 PM.Business confidence is maintaining its 20-year high in the latest survey. Audio
Elderly couple held hostage
5:36 PM.An elderly couple were held hostage in their own bedroom by a crowbar-wielding man while another man ransacked their house. Audio
Sports News for 8 April 2014
5:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Ancestral land can't be taken from author for highway
5:28 PM.The Environment Court has backed the author Patricia Grace and ordered that her ancestral land cannot be taken for a highway north of Wellington. Audio
Evening Business for 8 April 2014
5:24 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Sex groomer not allowed near children - softball association
5:19 PM.The Auckland Softball Association says it doesn't allow one of its staff convicted of sexually grooming a 12 year old girl any contact with children who play the sport. Audio
Politicians spar over royal visit
5:16 PM.The Labour leader, David Cunliffe, has taken a jab at the Prime Minister over the royal visit, suggesting John Key is tagging along to make the most of the extra camera time. Audio
Stories of survival from flood-devasated Solomon Islands
5:09 PM.Massive make-shift communites are dotted all around the Solomon Islands capital, Honiara - as at least twelve thousand people shelter in the flood devastated city. Audio
Top Auckland detective suspended
5:07 PM.A senior Auckland police detective remains suspended over a sex complaint as an employment investigation goes on despite police deciding today not to lay any criminal charges. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Tuesday 8 April 2014
5:00 PM.A top Auckland cop is suspended over a sex complaint. A miracle tale of survival from Solomons and politicans bicker over who is seeing more of the royals. Audio