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Checkpoint for Tuesday 7 May 2013
The police praise the fast response of aircraft engineers
6:57 PM.The Police are praising the fast response of two aircraft engineers who managed to free themselves from their helicopter after it crashed into Auckland's Hauraki Gulf. Audio
Waihi residents voice worries over Waihi mine
6:53 PM.A Waihi woman who lives directly above the site of an underground mine that's just won approval says many locals are distraught. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 7 May 2013
6:49 PM.The Green Party says a Government funding increase to fight Rheumatic Fever is just a band aid that will do nothing to eliminate the cause of the disease; Members of Parekura Horomia'sNgati Porou iwi… Read more Audio
Aaron Gilmore has made a public apology today
6:44 PM.The National list MP, Aaron Gilmore, has made a public apology today, for what he described as behaving like a dickhead at a Hanmer Springs hotel. Audio
Rates rebels say council playing dirty over funds
6:40 PM.The leaders of a rates rebellion in Kaipara say the council's using dirty tactics in a bid to end the revolt. Audio
Gay priest human rights hearing
6:34 PM.The Anglican Bishop of Auckland, Ross Bay, says he told a gay man there'd be no point in him training to be a priest because it would only reach a dead end. Audio
Sports News for 7 May 2013
6:32 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Parliamentary business suspended for tributes to Horomia
6:25 PM.Parliamentary business was suspended this afternoon, while MPs paid their respects to the late Labour MP, Parekura Horomia. Audio
Evening Business for 7 May 2013
6:23 PM.Hellaby Holdings has now completed a 73 million dollar purchase of an 85 percent stake in the industrial services company Contract Resources. Hellaby's managing director, John Williamson, says it… Read more Audio
Inmate says accused said he would kill ex-partner
6:18 PM.A prison inmate has described how Nikki Roper said he would kill his ex partner Alexsis Tovizi, just days before she died in December 2010. Audio
NZ First not interested in sitting down with Prime Minister
6:15 PM.The New Zealand First leader says he's not interested in sitting down with the Prime Minister to talk about updating the laws governing the country's electronic spy agency. Audio
Otago principal says dump Novopay
6:13 PM.Whetu Cormick is the president of the Otago Primary Principals' Association and the principal of Bathgate Park. Audio
Government to stick with Novopay "in the meantime"
6:10 PM.The Government is sticking with the trouble-plagued school payroll system, Novopay, but is not giving it a full vote of confidence. Audio
Wages are not keeping pace with recovery
5:52 PM.The economy may be recovering, but wages are not keeping pace. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 7 May 2013
5:48 PM.Members of Parekura Horomia's Ngati Porou iwi and whanau watched from Parliament's public gallery today, as MPs put aside their usual debates to remember him; The Green Party says a Government funding… Read more Audio
Two people survive helicopter crash
5:45 PM.Images from the shark movie, Jaws, flashed through the mind of a pilot as his helicopter crashed in the Hauraki Gulf earlier today. Audio
North Korea stands down rockets
5:42 PM.US officials say North Korea has removed two missiles from launch sites on its east coast. Audio
Preventive detention for man who sexually exploited children
5:37 PM.A 41-year old Hastings man, Aaron John Ellmers, has been sentenced to preventive detention with a minimum prison term of 20 years after pleading guilty to 60 charges of sex offending against children.
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Sports News for 7 May 2013
5:33 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Evening Business for 7 May 2013
5:28 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Keep Our Assets petition short of signatures
5:23 PM.A petition on asset sales has failed to gather enough signatures to force a referendum. Audio
Constable found not guilty of corruption
5:18 PM.A New Plymouth jury has found a Whanganui police officer not guilty of corruption. Audio
Aaron Gilmore tearful as he makes a public apology
5:14 PM.The National list MP, Aaron Gilmore, has made a public apology today, for what he described as behaving like a dickhead at a Hanmer Springs hotel. Audio
Deadline forces Govt's hand over Novopay
5:07 PM.The Government is sticking with the trouble-plagued school payroll system, Novopay, forced to make the choice by the deadline around the back-up option that was being worked on. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Tuesday 7 May 2013
5:00 PM.The government sticks with trouble plauged Novopay system. Aaron Gilmore apolgises for acting like a dickhead and Constable found not guilty of corruption. Audio