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Checkpoint for Thursday 7 March 2013
Call for regulation to counter alcohol industry promotions
6:52 PM.The government is being urged to take decisive action to control alcohol marketing because industry self-regulation has failed. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 7 March 2013
6:48 PM.The Far North District Council has apologised to a collective of iwi for not including them in talks to allow an international broadcaster film on 90 Mile Breach; A Gisborne Councillor, Manu Caddie… Read more Audio
Feisty financial review for Mighty River Power
6:42 PM.The chief executive of Mighty River Power was accused of giving a smart arse reply at Parliament today because he objected to answering some questions from MPs. Audio
Government accused of forcing handouts for conservation
6:37 PM.The Government's being accused of forcing the Department of Conservation to rely on handouts from polluters to clean up dirty waterways. Audio
Sports News for 7 March 2013
6:34 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
SMART system for asthma treatment
6:23 PM.A New Zealand study has found groundbreaking information that could change the way asthma is treated around the world. Audio
Evening Business for 7 March 2013
6:20 PM.The listed retailer, Briscoe Group, has made a record high full year profit, boosted by higher margins and taking market share from its rivals. Audio
Colombia keen on an FTA with NZ
6:14 PM.The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, says he would like to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement with New Zealand. Audio
Critics say documents show govt is stacking odds
6:11 PM.Critics of charter schools say new documents show the government is trying to stack the odds in favour of the controversial publicly-funded private schools. Audio
Airline pilots group disappointed with sentencing
6:08 PM.The Airline Pilots Association says the community service sentence for two men who shone a laser light at a police helicopter, is not the deterrent they were hoping for. Audio
Battle with Rudolf Steiner school
5:52 PM.An Auckland family is $9,000 richer after a three year battle to get a Rudolf Steiner school to admit their 8 year old daughter was being bullied. Audio
Te Manu Korihi News for 7 March 2013
5:48 PM.The Far North District Council has apologised to a collective of iwi for not including them in talks to allow an international broadcaster to film on 90 Mile Breach; A chain of Maori farms in the King… Read more Audio
$1.3 billion of private investment sought for Alk waterfront
5:45 PM.Auckland's waterfront is seeking more than one billion dollars of private property investment for its next stage. Audio
Opposition MPs want to subpoena Don Elder.
5:40 PM.Opposition members of Parliament's commerce select committee want to subpoena the former chief executive of Solid Energy, Don Elder, to appear before the committee. Audio
Dame Jenny Shipley under pressure about Mainzeal
5:38 PM.The former Prime Minister, Dame Jenny Shipley, has dodged questions about the Mainzeal collapse during a hearing at Parliament this afternoon. Audio
Sports News for 7 March 2013
5:34 PM.An update from the team at RNZ Sport. Audio
Insurer's engineers challenged
5:26 PM.The engineers who decided a red zoned Christchurch house could be repaired have been accused in the High Court of manipulating results to please Tower Insurance. Audio
Evening Business for 7 March 2013
5:24 PM.News from the business sector including a market report. Audio
Study says East Coast could become another Taranaki
5:18 PM.The East Coast region of the North Island could become another Taranaki if on-shore oil and gas exploration takes hold. Audio
Finance sector is put on notice
5:13 PM.As safe as investing in Westpac Bank - that's what one investor said his advisor told him about putting his money into the failed financial product, Credit SaILs. Audio
Kim Dotcom is allowed to sue spy agency
5:11 PM.The Court of Appeal has upheld a decision that allows Kim Dotcom to sue the Government's spy agency. Audio
Helicopter laser strikers are sentenced.
5:07 PM.The Airline Pilots Association says the community service sentence handed down to two men who shone a laser light at a police helicopter, is not the deterrent they were hoping for. Audio
Checkpoint Top Stories for Thursday 7 March 2013
5:00 PM.Auckland's helicopter laser strikers are sentenced. Kim Dotcom is cleared to sue the Government's spy agency and the Commerce Commisssion puts financial advisors on notice. Audio