Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy
Dame Susan Devoy is famous for her extraordinary achievements in the world of squash. At the time of her unexpected retirement in 1992 she was the reigning world squash champion. She is also noted for walking the entire length of New Zealand over seven weeks in 1988, to raise $500,000 for the Muscular Dystrophy Association of New Zealand. However, her appointment as our newest and first female Race Relations Commissioner created some controversy earlier this year in March for critical comments she made about Waitangi Day and the wearing of burqas in New Zealand.
So have her opinions changed? How does Dame Susan Devoy feel about her new job and, importantly, what do our multi-ethnic and inter-faith communities think? Lynda shares a meal after sundown during Ramadan – at the Jewish Synagogue – to find out more from Dame Susan herself.