Arts on Sunday for Sunday 28 December 2008
28 December - Simon Morris
English film-maker Mike Leigh about his award-nominated film Happy Go Lucky, Sarah Gavron about the movie Brick Lane, Cult figure, actor/stunt man Doug Jones about his work in Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy, and an extended interview with comedian and musician Bill Bailey
4 January
Extended interview with Aussie icon Rolf Harris - singer/songwriter, TV Presenter and successful artist.
11 January - Lynn Freeman
An interview with one of the legends of the Comics industry, Marv Wolfman. Hard hitting Scottish stand up comedienne Janey Godley, and Richard Olivier, son of son of Sir Laurence Olivier, who came to New Zealand in August to launch a project which will se every Shakespearean play performed all over New Zealand during the course of this year
Sun 18 Jan - Lucy Orbell
Trade Me - a buyers guide to purchasing fine art on the web; The Royal New Zealand Ballet auction - how to fit a tutu; Pecha Kucha - it's Japanese for chit-chat! And finally Lucy investigates the finer points of putting on a play.
Sun 23 January - Lynn Freeman
Isaac Marsh, a young actor/dancer whose life came close to turning into a disaster, rather than the triumph it is now: The Laugh Track comedy picks from Irish/Australian comedian Jimeoi, Auckland Pacific Island combo, Polynation.
30 January - Lynn Freeman
A personal tour of the treasures in the Parliamentary Library, rising Kiwi comedy star, Simon McKniney on the Laugh Track, Australian photographer Ashley Gilbertson talks about recording life - and death - in the world's war zones.