16 Nov 2021

Descendants of Māori battalion encouraged to get vaccinated

From Afternoons, 1:30 pm on 16 November 2021

The descendants of the Māori battalion are being asked to get vaccinated this weekend - as part of a special event being put on at the aerodromes on the East Coast. 

This Saturday, aircraft bearing the names of the soldiers who fought in C Company from Te Tairawhiti in WWII will be on show - with pilots volunteering their time and aircraft coming from all over the North Island.

Barry Soutar a trustee from Ngā Taonga o Ngā Tama Toa talks to Jesse about their project. 

Men of the Māori Battalion preparing a hāngi in Italy, 1944

Men of the Māori Battalion preparing a hāngi in Italy, 1944 Photo: Alexander Turnbull Library