29 Sep 2017

Drinks with Laura Verner

From Afternoons, 3:21 pm on 29 September 2017
Smoked Blackcurrant Cassis Cocktail by Laura Verner

Smoked Blackcurrant Cassis Cocktail by Laura Verner Photo: supplied/Laura Verner

Laura talks about smoky teas, and shares two recipes with us:

1. Smokey low alcohol kir
10ml Creme de Cassis
70ml Lapsang Souchong, brewed earlier and chilled
1 x large square ice cube
Dash of fresh lemon

Kir is traditionally a cassis based cocktail using a dry white wine instead of the tea.

2. Kir Royale without Champagne
10ml Creme de Cassis
50ml Antipodes Sparkling water
20ml Lapsang Souchong brewed at triple strength and chilled
Dash fresh lemon juice

Serve in a champagne flute.