1:12 First Song


1:17 Mahia locals concerned about Rocket Lab military ties to the US

There is growing concern among Mahia locals and peace groups about Rocket Lab and its work with the United States military.

Today the space company launched its most controversial mission yet, from the Mahia Peninsula launch site.

Journalist and barrister Ollie Neas has written in-depth in North and South Magazine about the strained relationship between Mahia residents and the high tech space company.

Lift off for Rocket Lab's second commercial rocket launch.

Lift off for Rocket Lab's second commercial rocket launch. Photo: Rocket Lab

1:27 Government housing package praised for being bold

A former ministerial advisor on housing believes the government has made a bold move in today's announcement by getting rid of interest deductions for landlords.

Clint Smith runs Victor Strategy and Communications, but in a previous life advised both the Labour and Green parties on housing aswell as being an adviser to the minister of housing and development.

He talks to Jesse about the surprises he saw in today's announcement.

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Photo: Dom Thomas

1:35 Creating more awareness about encephalitis

Veronique Theberge has a rare condition called encephalitis, which most people have never heard of.

She was initially mis-diagnosed in 2017, and she has made it her mission to make people aware of the condition.

Encephalitis can be caused by an infection invading the brain or by the immune system attacking the brain, resulting in an acquired brain injury.

She explains to Jesse the lengths she's going to in order to create more awareness of it.

brain scans

Photo: Public domain

1:50 How to Write a love scene with Pip Adam 

Author and regular book reviewer, Pip Adam, is in for this week's How to Write feature, talking about how to write a love scene!

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Photo: Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

2:10 Book Critic: Catherine Robertson 

Today Catherine talks about books she's come across which feed into her obsession with mending and creativity.

She reviews,  Almost Lost Arts: traditional crafts and the artisans keeping them alive by Emily Freidenrich (Chronicle Books), Storey’s Curious Compendium of Practical and Obscure Skills by a variety of Storey’s How-to-Experts, subtitled ‘214 things you can actually learn how to do’ and s a book coming out in early April called A High Country Life: tales and recipes from a NZ sheep station (Allen and Unwin) by Philippa Cameron.

2:20 Music Feature: Kanye West

Kanye West is one of the most famous rappers of all time - but he's not just known for his music... the Atlanta-born artist also hits the headlines for his eccentric sense of style, his struggles with mental health, and of course his marriage to mega-star Kim Kardashian.

Dr Kirsten Zemke is an ethnomusicologist and Senior lecturer in Popular Music at Auckland University.She joins Jesse in the Auckland studio to talk through his career and public image.

Kanye West

Kanye West Photo: CC BY 2.0 Kenny Sun

3:10 Tracking down missing apples using FBI skills

For 24 years, David Benscoter tracked down bank robbers and flushed out political corruption as an FBI agent and investigator. Now he spends his time on the trial of something that can be just as elusive: heritage apples. He searches forgotten orchards and combs through old county fair records to pick up  the trail of fruit thought to have gone extinct. It's called The Lost Apple Project. For more information about the search for Heritage Apples in New Zealand and the work of  Robyn and Robert  Guyton, visit the Open Orchard Project website.

David Benscoter

David Benscoter Photo: supplied

3:30 Spoken Feature: Healthy or Hoax

Coming up – Stacey Morrison brings us a new episode of Healthy or Hoax. This week she’s looking into the reliability of online DNA tests to help improve our health and fitness.

human DNA double helix

Photo: PublicDomainPictures / CC0

3:45 The Panel with Ruth Money and Eli Matthewson