Critter of the Week t-shirts

Critter of the Week t-shirts Photo: RNZ/Liminal

Critter of the week t-shirts are back!


1:00 The Prime Minister announces her cabinet - Live stream


1:17 How the new cabinet looks - Tim Watkin

The Prime Minister will be announcing her cabinet line-up at 1pm today. Jesse speaks to Tim Watkin who runs the Pundit blog and co-hosts RNZ's Caucus podcast to get his take on the new team and his thoughts on the new deputy PM.

Prime Minister Jacinda Arder heading into the Labour caucus where she will brief MPs on her ministerial preferences for the new government.

Photo: RNZ / Dom Thomas

1.27 Predator trapper raising a baby stoat to better understand them

To help make NZ predator free by 2025, a dedicated trapper is raising a baby stoat to better understand them.

Dr Andrew Veale has been hand rearing a baby stoat to look closely at her smells and vocalisations in the hope he can learn how to better eradicate them altogether.

Dr Veale introduces Jesse to his stoat in the studio.

Dr Andrew Veale's baby stoat

Dr Andrew Veale's baby stoat Photo: twitter

1.30 Someday Stories 2020: Aute

RNZ has again partnered with Someday Stories 2020, a series of short films released online with a sustainability focus by young film-makers.

Jesse speaks to Nicole Hunt about her film, Aute, being released this afternoon which explores the importance of preserving indigenous rituals and living a life connected to our culture and nature.

You can watch Someday Stories on Facebook  Someday Stories or on Vimeo.

Are you you're interested in making a film for Someday Stories? The deadline for the proposals for Someday Stories 5 is 5pm on November 30! Request For Proposals can be found here

No caption

Photo: supplied

1.34 Julia Morris on her father's posthumous album

Last month the family of New Zealand music icon, the late Ian Morris, announced they would be releasing a solo record he completed before his death ten years ago.

His daughter, Julia, talks to Jesse about the album's release last Friday and the listening party held to celebrate the album called a and b the c of d

Ian Morris A and B and C of D album cover

Ian Morris A and B and C of D album cover Photo: supplied

1:45 Great NZ Album: Ian Morris - a and b the c of d  

2:10 Guy William's TV picks

Comedian and commentator Guy Williams reviews three titles for Jesse today - Black Hands, the story of The Bain family murders, American Murder: The Family Next Door about a husband and father who killed his family and Tehran on Apple TV.

2:20 Steph Tan - Obesity is everyone's issue

Following the National Party leader's comments on obesity, Steph Tan, research assistant at the Yale School of Public Health, says obesity is not just a personal responsibility. She tells Jesse she believes it's also a societal and environmental issue.

Steph Tan

Steph Tan Photo: Supplied

2:30 Making the most of your precious jewellery

Our expert today is Ken Robinson - brand ambassador for David Michael Jewels and father of its twin artisan jewellers, David and Michael Robinson.

David Michael Jewels has gone from operating a jewellery company in Takapuna, to creating some of the world’s most sought after jewellery.  Ken answers all your questions about how to properly look after your treasures with some insights into how the world’s richest people invest in jewellery.

3:10 Jeffery Sachs - The Ages of Globalization

First we fight the deepest global crisis in our lifetime, then we learn from it. Renowned economist Professor Jeffery Sachs talks to us about his work on the new Lancet Commission, strategising what the world will look when the pandemic subsides. He's calling for greater respect for science, sustainability and social equality in a post pandemic world. His latest book is The Ages of Globalization.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs  - The Ages of Globalization

Professor Jeffrey Sachs - The Ages of Globalization Photo: Supplied

3:35 Voices

In 'Voices' today; Kadambari Raghukumar meets 3 Americans who are watching with bated breath from all the way here in New Zealand, as the US election campaign culminates with the polls tomorrow. 

3:45 The Panel with Pam Corkery and Stephen Franks