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Afternoons for Wednesday 15 October 2008
Jim's Essay
1:07 PM.Recession as a blessing. Audio
The Best Song Ever Written
1:16 PM.Les Newman of Tawa chooses 'Telegraph Road' by Dire Straits. Audio
Link 3
1:35 PM.Our quiz where 3 or more songs have something in common. Audio
Otago's New Stadium
2:11 PM.Bev Butler says the Carisbrook Stadium Trust has misread the mood of the public. Audio
Pigeon Problems
2:23 PM.Squawks of protest have been the response to City Council plans to shoot pigeons in downtown Wellington. Audio
Feature Album - Child is Father to the Man
2:44 PM.'Child is Father to the Man' is the debut album by Blood, Sweat and Tears and was released in February of 1968. Audio
Virtual World with Paul Reynolds
3:10 PM.Paul Reynolds takes us through Political Party websites, the Internet's role in politics and the latest in piracy news. Audio
David Steemson Story
3:33 PM.Urgent research is being carried out on a pathogen discovered to be killing Kauri trees in Auckland's Waitakere Ranges. Audio
Environment Story with Amelia Nurse
3:46 PM.Carnivorous plants. Audio
The Panel (Part One)
4:06 PM.With Chris Trotter and Ben Thomas. Audio
The Panel (Part Two)
4:36 PM.With Chris Trotter and Ben Thomas. Audio