1 Jun 2019

Tagata o te Moana for 1 June 2019

From Tagata o te Moana, 5:30 pm on 1 June 2019

Papua New Guinea's new prime minister says he's under no illusions about the enormity of his task; Following the change of prime minister in Papua New Guinea, there's been a renewed call for reserved seats for women in parliament; A range of initiatives for Pacific people were announced in the New Zealand Budget on Thursday; Economic and climate resilience were key focus points of a meeting between the New Zealand and Cook Island government last week; A plane has been buzzing over Tuvalu's atolls and lagoons harvesting information to help the country cope with rising seas and cyclones; Making it easier for women to get involved in formal employment and starting businesses is being touted as one of the key -- and easiest -- ways to improve Pacific livelihoods; The head of the Regional Environment Programme's waste management says the old Pacific ways of grow, eat and throw, are no longer appropriate in the 21st century, and; A gaming event, a talk on the art of tatau and dance theatre have woven in Gagana Samoa for this week's celebrations of New Zealand's third most spoken language.