1 Aug 2023

China's presence in the Pacific 'problematic'

From , 6:02 am on 1 August 2023
Antony Blinken at joint presser with Tonga's PM Hu'akavameiliku, 26 July

Photo: Matangi Tonga Online/Tupou Vaipulu

Last week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Tonga for bilateral talks with his counterpart Prime Minister Hu'akavameiliku.

Blinken expressed his concern at China's influence in the pacific, calling it problematic.

The visit occurred just days before a Hospital ship belonging to China's navy, anchored off Nuku'alofa where it will provide free medical services to Tongans for one week.

It's raised eyebrows on the current geo-political tensions between the US and China.

RNZ Pacific's Finau Fonua spoke to Tonga Times editor Kalafi Moala.