Giff Johnson and Tia Belau Publisher Moses Uludong of Palau in the Marshall Islands Journal's newsroom in Majuro, Marshall Islands Photo: Hilary Hosia
The editor of the Marshall Islands Journal, Giff Johnson, is urging Pacific journalists not to be swayed by geo-political narratives and to stay true to reporting stories that affect people in their daily lives.
Held on June 16 in Majuro, Mr Johnson, who is also the co-founder of the Pacific Media Institute, hosted Pacific journalists and media trainers for a workshop and summit on democracy.
Increased competition between the United States and China in the Pacific has dominated headlines and political discourse over the past few years but Mr Johnson says while it is important to stay on top of such developments they are far removed from the day to day realities of island living.
RNZ Pacific Editor Koroi Hawkins spoke with Giff Johnson about reporting in today's geopolitically charged Pacific region.