7 Jun 2023

Fiji's PM arrives in NZ on his first official visit

From , 6:03 am on 7 June 2023
Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka greeted by the Auckland Fijian community for his official visit.

Fiji Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka greeted by the Auckland Fijian community for his official visit. Photo: Fiji Government

Fiji's Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka is in Aotearoa on his first official visit.

The highly anticipated trip comes after his success at the polls six months ago, where he overthrew the former prime minister Frank Bainimarama, ending his 16-year reign.

Mr Rabuka will meet with New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins and so far he's been welcomed by the Fijian community in Auckland. 

RNZ Pacific's Rachael Nath was at the ceremony.