30 Oct 2021

Villages in Vanuatu affected by volcanic eruption

From , 6:01 am on 30 October 2021

The authorities in Vanuatu are finalising an assessment of villages down wind of the Mt Yasur volcano on Tanna.

The active volcano showed signs of elevated activity last Friday sending a plume of ash about 1500 metres above its crater.

The Vanuatu Meteorology and Geohazards Department says villagers downwind of the crater were exposed to volcanic gases and ash fall.

With me is Ricardo Wilson a scientific officer with the geohazards department.

Welkam wantok so tell us more about this eruption.

A desert of volcanic ash at the base of the constantly erupting Mr Yasur, on the Vanuatu island of Tanna.

A desert of volcanic ash at the base of the constantly erupting Mr Yasur, on the Vanuatu island of Tanna. Photo: RNZI / Jamie Tahana