2 Dec 2020

Ava ceremony offers glimpse at aspirations of NZ's Pasifika MPs

From , 5:01 am on 2 December 2020

For the first time ever, an 'ava or blessing ceremony has been held to welcome new Pasifika MPs to parliament.

Five new MPs with Pacific heritage were elected this year bringing the total of Pasifika MPs to 11 - the most ever.

Their families and community leaders gathered to mark the beginning of their parliamentary careers with the blessing ceremony.

Koroi Hawkins was there.

Anae Dr Neru Leavasa says a few words during the 'Ava ceremony at parliament. December 30 2020.

Anae Dr Neru Leavasa says a few words during the 'Ava ceremony at parliament. December Photo: RNZ Pacific/ Koroi Hawkins