29 Jun 2020

Fears of an explosion in infectious diseases in PNG

From , 6:01 am on 29 June 2020

In Papua New Guinea, there are fears of an "explosion" of infectious diseases because of the country's Covid-19 response.

There are only a thousand doctors in the country of eight million, many of whom rely on remote aid posts or under-resourced hospitals.

But when the coronavirus emerged, all these resources were diverted to keeping it out, and trying to ready for an outbreak the government said could be devastating.

ChildFund Australia says this has seen the suspension of important vaccination and child health programmes. Already, there have been reports of an increase in maternal deaths.

Its chief executive, Margaret Sheehan, decades of progress could be at risk.

Rose (mother) and toddler in the treatment room at Susa Mama health clinic, Port Moresby General Hospital, PNG

Rose (mother) and toddler in the treatment room at Susa Mama health clinic, Port Moresby General Hospital, PNG Photo: Ness Kerson/madNESS Photography for AusAID