28 May 2020

Kiribati, two former allies are squaring up against each other

From , 5:02 am on 28 May 2020

In Kiribati, two former allies are squaring up against each other for the presidency.

They are one-term incumbent Taneti Maamau and his former party chair, Banuera Berina.

Kiribati has an intriguing electoral system. The people vote three times. First for their local MPs, then again in a runoff.

After those two elections, parliament meets for the first time, where it appoints a speaker and selects the presidential nominees.

This meeting happened last week - for the first time ever, a woman, Tangariki Reete, has become speaker.

Now, the people of Kiribati will vote again on the second of June for either Taneti Maamu or Banuera Berina to become president.

The once firm allies split last year, over Mr Maamau's government's decision to switch diplomatic allegiance from Taiwan to China.

Our journalist Lisa Williams has been following the election process so far. I asked her how things are shaping up.

The Kiribati Parliament

The Kiribati Parliament Photo: Lisa Williams