13 Feb 2019

Red Alert in northern Vanuatu as Cyclone Oma looms

From , 4:04 pm on 13 February 2019

The north of Vanuatu is on red alert as Cyclone Oma intensifies.

Oma is now a Category 2 storm and situated about 55 kilometers west of Santo.

People in the provinces of Torba, Sanma and Penama are being advised to hunker down.

Jenny Meyer reports.

Gusts of up to 130 kilometres and heavy rain are expected for the northern islands of the Vanuatu archipelago and people are being warned about flash floods.

People are also being warned not to head out to sea.

The Met Office's Head Forecaster, Fred Jockley, says people need to stay safe.

Cyclone Oma (centre) heading towards Vanuatu. 13 February 2019.

Cyclone Oma (centre) heading towards Vanuatu. 13 February 2019. Photo: earth.nullschool.net