21 Jan 2019

Dateline Pacific morning edition for 21 January 2019

From , 5:06 am on 21 January 2019

Papua New Guinea's opposition is hoping to have a vote of no-confidence in prime minister Peter O'Neill in parliament next month; Papua New Guinea is facing trenchant criticism from Human Rights Watch for failing to act on a raft of human rights issues; the United Liberation Movement for West Papua says it's deeply concerned about the welfare of innocent civillians in Papua's central Highlands where a large military operation is underway in pursuit of the West Papua Liberation Army; Rapa Nui's moai, or human figure statues, were ancient markers for freshwater in the territory, also known as Easter Island; the star of the Vanuatu film Tanna will be remembered for his professionalism despite not having acted before, the film's co-director says.