JOPE KOROISAVOU: I've just been released and I'm currently in Suva, heading towards the SODELPA party office at this point in time.
SALLY ROUND: Have you been charged?
JK: No. No, I have been released pending the 48 hours detention policy of the government so we've reached that 48 hours and I've been released without charge but there could be further investigations, but that I'll let the authorities comment on
SR: Is there any indication of what you might possibly be charged with?
JK: At this point your guess is as good as mine. There was some indication of sedition but I'll let the process to tell that as we come into it.
SR: What was your treatment like while you were being questioned? You spent two nights in police cells?
JK: Yes. I spent two nights according to the policy of detention. In general it was good. Fiji police was reallly professional and really cordial in how they had treated me so I think, compared to the others that I stood for, it was good.
SR: So let's just rewind to the protest that you made on Monday. Why did you make the protest?
JK: Ah, celebrating, or commemorating the international torture day, support for the victims of torture and I wanted to commemorate it and let the public know that it was a day for us think about. But more comments I will do it in my formal press release later on.
SR: Were you surprised to be apprehended as you were walking through town? You were just walking along the pavement there.
JK: Well yes, and ... but expecting it. But I would love to ... investigations are still going on, I would like to make that comment later on.
SR: You were visited by the director of the Human Rights Commission while you were in police custody. What was the conversation you had with Ashwin Raj?
JK: It was a cordial conversation. He was just trying to ascertain that all my human rights were accorded to me and I was treated fairly in terms of the process of the investigation. I would just like to express my sincere gratitude and thank you to all the supporters out there. I heard from my supporters here that the international media was following the case and I'm feeling as determined as ever.