9 May 2017

Solomons police rearmed for the first time in 14 years

From , 3:03 pm on 9 May 2017

The police in Solomon Islands, who have been without guns for almost 14 years, were rearmed on Monday.
The Regional Assistance Mission to the country, or RAMSI, stripped the force of all its firearms after years of bloody ethnic conflict which saw police siding with militants and attacking civilians.

125 officers are now authorised to carry guns including those in the tactical response team, officers protecting the prime minister and visiting dignitaries and police at the international airport.

Koroi Hawkins asked the Solomon Islands police commissioner Matthew Varley how people  were reacting to the move.

RSIPF PRT  members demonstrating live firing certification at the Tenaru Firing Range

RSIPF PRT members demonstrating live firing certification at the Tenaru Firing Range Photo: RAMSI Public Affairs