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Pacific Waves for Wednesday 7 August 2013
Tuvalu's former prime minister stands by recent actions
3:05 PM.Tuvalu's former prime minister stands by actions during last week's political ructions. Audio
Kiribati leader says new body won't take over Forum
3:03 PM.A former secretary to the prime minister in Solomon Islands says there is still a lot of work to be done to unite the country under one banner. Audio
Nauru opposition banned from commenting on refugee resettlement
3:01 PM.Nauru opposition banned in local media from commenting on government's controversial decision to resettle refugees on the island. Audio
Dateline Pacific evening edition for 7 August 2013
3:00 PM.Nauru opposition banned from commenting on refugee resettlement; Kiribati's leader says a new regional body being set up in Fiji won't take over from the Forum; Tuvalu's former prime minister stands… Read more Audio
Solomons commentator says nation-building still work in progress
6:02 AM.A former secretary to the prime minister in Solomon Islands says there is still a lot of work to be done to unite the country under one banner. Audio
Questions raised about huge Vanuatu airport development
6:01 AM.Vanuatu plans huge airport developments involving a Singaporean company. The government says it is vital to grow tourism but the opposition says its risky and too costly. Audio
Dateline morning edition for 7 August 2013
6:00 AM.Regional head supports new Fiji led-body; Nauru says it will resettle refugees but not permanently; There is continuing anger in PNG at the new Australian asylum seeker plan; The new Tuvalu government… Read more Audio