12 Sep 2018

Governor Moliga signs into law bill to increase marriage age for girls

12:10 pm on 12 September 2018

The bill in American Samoa changing the marriage age for girls from 14 to 18, has been signed into law by the territory's governor Lolo Moliga.

The governor says the law will help protect young women who are still growing and maturing.

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Photo: RNZI / Monica Miller

Lolo added it will allow them the opportunity to exert more control over their lives, to choose a patch in life that is of their own desire, and it will help place them on equal footing with young men.

The 14 year age of marriage for girls had been on the law books since the early 1960's.

In a survey by a women's advocate group Pae ma Auli, 97 percent of respondents disagreed with the 14 year age and wanted it increased.

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