14 Mar 2018

Former Samoa health workers caught in drug raid

4:11 pm on 14 March 2018

Three members of an alleged methamphetamine manufacturing ring in Samoa appeared in court this week on various charges of theft as servants.


Photo: 123.rf

The three, all former employees of the Samoa National Health Services, were caught in a police raid on a home in the hills of Apia which found boxes of pharmaceuticals believed to have been taken from the Services pharmacy.

Fou Sekone entered a not guilty plea through his counsel, Leafa Donald Kerslake.

The other two Pio Fesola'i and Amanono Mafualo have refused legal representation and have both entered guilty pleas on two charges, but Fesola'i entered a not guilty plea on a third charge.

They have been remanded for hearing in July this year.