Landowner blockade lifted on Manus

6:10 pm on 21 December 2017

A Manus Island refugee says the road to the East Lorengau Transit Centre in Papua New Guinea is no longer being blocked by disgruntled landowners.

The roadblock at the ELTC

The roadblock at the ELTC Photo: Abdul Aziz Adam

About 350 refugees exiled to PNG by Australia reside inside the facility.

The roadblock began on Tuesday when landowners used heavy vehicles to barricade the gate to the transit centre, preventing service providers from entering.

It is understood the landowners opposed the awarding of a service contract to the company JDA Wokman.

The Kurdish journalist and refugee Behrouz Boochani reported the roadblock was lifted today following a meeting last night between the landowners, JDA and the PNG immigration department.

A representative of the landowners was not available for comment.