PNG opposition accuse AG of contract interference

1:39 pm on 26 January 2016

Papua New Guinea's opposition leader has warned the country's Attorney-General not to interfere with the awarding of a lucrative contract.

Papua New Guinea Opposition Leader, Don Polye

Papua New Guinea Opposition Leader, Don Polye Photo: Supplied

Don Polye says Ano Pala is trying to influence the Chief Justice in the over US$152 million deal to build the Supreme and National Court House.

He says there has been pressure on Sir Salamo Injia to support a contractor closely associated with the Government and the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.

He says Mr Pala is not a fit and proper person to occupy the office of Attorney General as his personal integrity is in question.

In October, the Supreme Court dismissed an application by Mr Pala to restrain police from enforcing an arrest warrant against him.

He is accused of conspiring with others to defeat the course of justice in relation to large payments from the government to a law firm.

The matter has engulfed many high-ranking officials, including the prime minister.

Mr Polye says Mr Pala's position has been compromised and he should resign.