28 Jan 2015

Tongan govt reviewing needs of outer islands

1:56 pm on 28 January 2015

The Deputy Prime Minister of Tonga says people in Vava'u will see improvements to their roads very soon and boosts to agriculture are being looked at.

Siaosi Sovaleni led a delegation to Vava'u this week to review the islands' needs.

Mr Sovaleni says worn-down roads, assistance with agriculture and the degradation of coastal land are the biggest issues to deal with.

He says the government delegation will be heading to the other outer islands shortly.

"We are planning to execute these kind of consultations to all the islands. Finding out what the needs by visiting and having a discussion with the stakeholders, not only in Vava'u but in Ha'apai, the Niuas and Eua so we can have a more focussed approach. We don't have that much resources but at least we know whatever resources we have are focussing on priority needs."