18 Oct 2014

Sport: Pacific league teams expect big clash

11:01 am on 18 October 2014

Three Pacific nations will do battle on the rugby league field this weekend in what promises to be entertaining but bruising encounters.

Papua New Guinea will host Tonga in Lae and Fiji will face Lebanon on neutral soil in Australia.

Koro Vaka'uta reports on the build up to Sunday's two clashes.

"PNG come into their fixture a week after losing to a world class Australian Prime Minister's XIII. Kumul Coach Mal Meninga says the game against Tonga will be just as difficult and possibly even more physical. The Tongan squad has only one player in it who isn't playing in the NRL. In contrast, the Kumuls have just one NRL player in forward Rhyse Martin while the majority of the team are from the Hunters, New South Wales Cup or PNG competitions. The game will be the first fully fledged international test in the country for years. The Fiji League team journeys into the unknown with their test against Lebanon which will be played on Cronulla's Remondis Stadium. Coach Rick Stone says he doesn't have a lot of information on the Lebanese but is sure they will be more than competitive. Wes Naiqama will captain the Fiji Bati."