12 Jul 2014

Sport: Pacific Games venues on track in PNG

12:38 pm on 12 July 2014

The Pacific Games Council says it's encouraged by the progress being made in construction of venues for next year's event in Port Moresby.

Contractors are continuing to work around the clock to complete venues and accommodation in time for the start of competition next July.

Delegates from the Pacific Games Council's 22 members visited the venue sites last week and the Council's Executive Director, Andrew Minogue, says he has since tremedous progress in the construction of venues since his last visit earlier in the year.

"Having said that, that's the sort of pace that needs to be kept up over the next 12 months for them to be ready. It wasn't in any sense a feeling or relief or congratulations, it's basically 'yes you're on track at the moment but you've got to stay on track', because there's actually no time to waste. Any slippage from here and we're going to have to invoke some contingencies around how we manage the venues."

The Chief Executive Officer of the 2015 Games, Peter Stewart, says they're confident all the venues will be completed in plenty of time.

"We're certain that all of the venues will have more than what we require for the delivery of the Games. Whether the last coats of paint are on in some of the back of house areas - that may not be the case, but most of the Games I've been involved with that's exactly what happens. I think the delegates were very happy to see the quality of the venues. We're certainly going to have some world class venues left after for all the people of Papua New Guinea, and the Pacific, for future sports."

The Chief Executive Officer of the 2015 Games, Peter Stewart.