31 Jul 2013

Tuvalu Parliament adjourned again before no confidence motion

1:35 pm on 31 July 2013

Tuvalu's parliament has been adjourned by the speaker, Kamuta Latasi, before MPs could debate a motion of no confidence in the Prime Minister, Willy Telavi.

After being ordered back to the House by the Governor General yesterday , MPs dealt with parliamentary business and were to hear private members' motions today.

However, the parliamentary clerk has confirmed the speaker adjourned parliament until further notice at midday today.

It is not clear when the parliament will reconvene.

Opposition MPs have wanted to resume parliament for months and bring a motion of no confidence against the Prime Minister, who lost his majority when an opposition candidate, Elisala Pita, won a by-election.

Mr Telavi had refused to hold the by-election until the High Court ordered the poll.