20 Jun 2013

CNMI OPA urges court to reissue arrest warrant for former governor

1:36 pm on 20 June 2013

The Superior Court of the Northern Marianas is being urged to reissue an arrest warrant for a former governor, Benigno Fitial.

The Office of the Public Auditor's legal counsel, George Hasselback, says the office filed a request for the warrant to be reissued in May, but the court has yet to act on it.

Mr Hasselback says the OPA wants the warrant reissued so the prosecution of the case against the former governor can proceed.

The OPA has filed seven criminal charges against Mr Fitial for his role in an alleged conspiracy to shield a former attorney general, Edward Buckingham, from being served a penal summons last August.

To date, there has been no communication from either Mr Fitial or anyone acting on his behalf regarding any plans to return to the CNMI to answer the charges.

Mr Fitial is believed to be recuperating from gall bladder surgery in the Philippines.