11 Jun 2013

Government misses targets, says Vanuatu opposition MP

1:50 pm on 11 June 2013

The opposition MP in Vanuatu, Kalfau Moli, says the government is achieving few of the targets in its list of ambitious policies.

Two months ago, the Prime Minister Moana Carcasses Kalosil listed 68 measures to be completed within his coalition's first 100 days in office.

The list includes moves towards political reform and greater accountability in public finance and economic management.

However Mr Moli, who is an independent MP, says the government has failed on most of the new initiatives in its list.

"Because most of it are plans from the previous government and they're working. For example, the rejection to continue with the Chinese funded project to build a Convention Centre (in Port Vila). That has actually fell on its face. The government has endorsed the plan that was endorsed by the previous government and is going with the plan despite the fact that the Prime Minister is in total disagreement about it."

Kalfau Moli