21 Mar 2013

World Vision in Solomons praises agency co-ordination in tsunami-hit Temotu

1:55 pm on 21 March 2013

The Solomon Islands director of the non-governmental organisation World Vision says co-operation between aid agencies in the tsunami-hit Temotu province has resulted in greater efficiency.

People are still living under temporary shelter in the provincial capital, Lata, without access to water or toilets six weeks after the tsunami generated by a magnitude eight earthquake.

But World Vision's Andrew Catford says the aid response following the event has been swifter than after other recent disasters in Solomon Islands, despite the Temotu region's remoteness.

He says a lot more care was taken this time to ensure that supplies only went to those in need.

"To be frank in the past there often hasn't been any record of who got what and who's affected so if people do have a complaint it's hard to work it out but this time it was quite systematic and all the agencies sort of worked as a united team and I think there's a really strong lesson about that, that it was a more efficient approach and a more equitable approach."

Andrew Catford says the agencies will be shifting their efforts from relief to recovery over the next few weeks.