25 Oct 2012

PNG touts NZ help to curb power generation costs

4:09 pm on 25 October 2012

The Papua New Guinea Government hopes New Zealand expertise can cut PNG's electricity costs.

New Zealand and Papua New Guinea ministers are discussing closer links and the PNG Trade Minister, Richard Maru, wants further talks with geothermal power producers like New Zealand's Mighty River Power.

He visited New Zealand this month and says he was impressed with the low cost of production of electricity compared with PNG.

Mr Maru says PNG electricity can cost three times what New Zealanders pay and this needs to be reduced if the country is to become competitive.

"With your support and your expertise, even your companies like Mighty River Power investing in Papua New Guinea we could reduce the cost of energy. We want to lean on your investment capital. We also want to lean on your expertise to help us harvest the resources here and help us reduce our cost of energy."