13 Jun 2012

PNG's Police Commissioner appeals for free, fair and safe elections

5:08 am on 13 June 2012

Papua New Guinea's Police Commissioner has appealed to members of his constabulary and Electoral Commission officials to ensure that this month's election is free, fair and safe.

Tom Kulunga has warned against accepting bribes as he outlined the election operations for the 8,000-plus security personnel which include defence force, police force and correctional services officers.

Johnny Blades reports.

"Announcing that 50 percent of the personnel will be stationed in the Highlands, Tom Kulunga says this region is a high risk area and will be closely monitored during pre-polling and polling periods. The Commissioner urged police to do their job assisting security around the election honestly and without fear or favour. He says members of the Constabulary known to be accepting bribes from candidates and their supporters will be dealt with severely. The Commissioner has also confirmed the arrest of a Provincial Election Manager in Mt Hagen last week after he tried to move a container of ballot boxes at night. Describing the official as either stupid or up to no good, he says more arrests and charges will follow for others found facilitating illegal activities for candidates."