12 Jan 2012

PNA to launch new tuna joint venture branding

3:44 pm on 12 January 2012

Sustainably caught tuna from Pacific waters managed by the Parties to the Nauru Agreement is set to carry its own branding from mid-year.

The eight PNA members now control the world's biggest sustainable skipjack tuna fishery.

The PNA's commercial manager, Maurice Brownjohn, says the branding Pacifical will set a new standard of traceability.

"The logo is identified by the region and from the code number on the can it is possible to trace the oroigin of that can, not just to the factory but to the vessel, the voyage and even to the crews and we can link it to the communities."

Maurice Brownjohn says it's too early to put a figure on the branding's economic benefit to those communities.