3 Jan 2012

Tahitipresse says closure leaves gap in French Polynesia

3:05 pm on 3 January 2012

The former head of Tahitipresse, Thibault Marais, says there is no agency left in French Polynesia providing the service lost by its closure.

The French Polynesian government shut Tahitipresse following a French government recommendation to cut costs.

Mr Marais says faced with budget cuts, the agency had reduced its staff to five and was in discussions with private interests for a way to continue operations.

"We were the only news agency and website doing news in French and English for the Pacific region and also for the United States. So far we have no word about someone filling the gap and doing the job that we're doing."

Tahitipresse, which was set up in 2001, is the only government-owned entity to be closed so far as the administration is mired in unprecedented financial problems.