8 Sep 2011

Young Pacific people share climate change experience at Auckland summit

12:35 pm on 8 September 2011

Civil society organisations from around the Pacific have heard views of young people about combatting the effects of climate change.

The executive director of Oxfam New Zealand, Barry Coates, says the meeting heard from youths from Solomons Islands, Samoa and Kiribati, feel about climate change.

He says it is also encouraging that Pacific youth have also joined the global 350.org, a global grassroots movement focussed on solving the climate crisis, whose online campaigns and public activities are supported by volunteer organisers in over 188 countries.

"There are some fantastic young leaders emerging and that's so important because they are reminding us that climate change is an issue that is going to affect their lives, their future, what they are able to do, and particularly their ability to live within their cultures on their homeland."

The executive director of Oxfam New Zealand, Barry Coates.