19 Jul 2011

PNG: Party waits for foreign doctors report on Somare

10:23 am on 19 July 2011

The president of the ruling National Alliance party in Papua New Guinea says they're still waiting on reports from Singapore doctors as to the health status of Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare.

There's been uncertainty over the reported resignation of the prime minister who since April has been in a Singapore Hospital.

His retirement was announced last month by his son, Arthur Somare, who cited Sir Michael's ill-heath as the reason for quitting politics.

However, the PNG constitution requires a medical report by two PNG doctors to verify the Prime Minister's incapacity to carry out his duties, but experts say their diagnosis wouldn't have been recognised under Singaporean jurisdication.

The National Alliance president Simon Kaiwi says they're still waiting for reports from Singaporian doctors into Sir Michael Somare's condition.