11 Nov 2010

Fiji shops admonished to be honest as price decrees changed

5:41 pm on 11 November 2010

Fiji's interim Attorney General has warned businesses to be honest and make full disclosure, when increasing prices of food products.

He made the comment while revealing that the Commerce Commission has adjusted earlier price reductions imposed on some basic household items from an average of 13 percent to 9 percent.

The Commerce Commission made the change after retailers complained they would be making a loss and after some shops removed stock from their shelves.

Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum says the Commerce Commission has been fair to retailers and they need to do the same and be fair to consumers.

"If you do not make full disclosure to FIRCA [Fiji Islands Revenue and Customs Authority], to Commerce Commission, the law is there to be applied to you. And I think in this way, what the Commerce Commission has done today is very liberal, is very modern. We need access to basic food items at affordable prices, because if people are able to eat and feed themselves, then they become productive members of society."

Fiji's interim Attorney General, Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum

The new price reductions will be effective from tomorrow.