12 Oct 2010

Village punishment likely for candidate challenging Samoa's leader

8:29 pm on 12 October 2010

Samoa's prime minister, Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, has welcomed a challenge in the Lepa seat he has held for 25 years.

His opponent in next year's general election is Tuula Kiliri from the village of Saleapaga.

Our correspondent, Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia says the unanimous decision by the village constituency was to have the Prime Minister re-elected.

He says this means there will be consequences from the village council for anyone who decides to run against the Prime Minister.

"They also consider, and bear in mind that there is a rights of anyone under the electoral act and the constitution to run in the election. But they have made a decision that anyone who is going to disobey that unanimous decision will be banished."

Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia says while this won't affect Mr Kiliri so much as he lives in Apia, his family could also be banished from the village.