20 Aug 2010

NZ police get enthusiastic support for Papua training

10:03 am on 20 August 2010

New Zealand Police conducting community-policing training in Indonesia's Papua region say local police are discovering they can improve their relationship with the community.

The New Zealand Police are the first foreign police force to be invited into Papua and West Papua provinces to undertake this mode of practical police training.

The Senior New Zealand Police Liaison Officer based in Jakarta, Tim Haughey says that they've had twelve officers on the ground in Papua for six weeks.

"The feedback we've had from all people has been very enthusiastic support for what we're doing. That's the people on the ground. This is the first training they've ever received in community policing of this nature. So they're very enthusiastic, they feel empowered by what they have learnt."

Tim Haughey says he's optimistic both governments will want to the police assistance arrangement to continue.