26 Jul 2010

Majority in PNG's parliament wants Somare removed, says opposition leader

3:29 pm on 26 July 2010

Papua New Guinea's Opposition Leader says he has the support of a majority of MPs in the 109-seat parliament to remove the Prime Minister.

Sir Michael Somare's administration was saved from a vote of no confidence last week when Speaker, Jeffrey Nape, controversially adjourned Parliament, just a day into the winter session.

The Opposition is now amassing signatures from MPs to force the Speaker to recall Parliament.

Sir Puka Temu claims the Speaker is not impartial.

But he insists there are more than 55 MPs who want Sir Michael removed.

"We will refer the matter to the Ombudsman Commission on the behaviour of the Speaker. We are also looking at taking the matter to court, particularly the constitutional matters like prolongation of the adjournment of parliament not meeting the constitutional sitting requirements and substantive motion on the vote of no-confidence, which is a constitutional motion, not even being entertained by the Speaker."

Sir Puka Temu