8 Jun 2010

Momis claims Bougainville leaders dumped over corruption

1:39 pm on 8 June 2010

The man likely to assume the leadership of the autonomous Papua New Guinea province of Bougainville says the outgoing administration was corrupt and that is why it has been dumped by voters.

The outcome of the presidential race is due to be declared tomorrow when the writs are to be returned, but a former governor, John Momis, has what seems an unassailable lead.

His party, New Bougainville, has also been swept into power with less than a quarter of the current MPs retaining their seats.

Mr Momis says the MPs have been dumped because the people had become disillusioned with an administration that ignored massive misappropriation and other corrupt practices.

"I will adopt a zero tolerance approach to corruption and mismanagement because this is precisely what the people are demanding and if we are going to attract foreign investment and foreign aid we have to tackle the problem of corruption and mismanagement."