14 Aug 2007

Solomons opposition hopeful over latest no confidence motion

6:11 pm on 14 August 2007

The Solomon Islands opposition is certain that a motion of no confidence will be debated in parliament soon despite alleged legal difficulties.

The motion was tabled by MP, William Haomae, last Friday, soon after another opposition motion was withdrawn.

The speaker, Sir Peter Kenilorea, says he is seeking legal advice on whether to allow it, because Mr Haomae moved a similar motion in February, which was disqualified and is now heard in court.

But Mr Haomae is confident that the motion will be debated in parliament, because it is in the public interest.

"I have received advice from the honorable speaker that he is seeking legal advice on the basis of the motion being submitted to parliament for a debate. My view on that one is that we have received only summons, and not order from high court."

William Haomae.

The opposition is concerned about the re-armament of police and the appointment of Julian Moti as attorney general.