14 Nov 2006

Nadi hospital in Fiji says training ensures standards

4:59 pm on 14 November 2006

The doctor in charge of a Fiji hospital highlighted for having problems with the competency of expatriate doctors says steps have been taken to maintain standards.

The Auditor General's report for 2005 has questioned the qualification of some foreign doctors and accused them of causing deaths.

But the sub-divisional medical officer at Nadi Hospital, Dr Dave Whippy, says one of the doctors named in the report, left last year.

Dr Whippy has only been in charge of the hospital since earlier this year, but he says all the doctors now take part in weekly to training to make sure professional standards among all the staff are kept up:

"It's hoped some of these weekly training sessions would address some of these issues and it's just part of continuing medical education we have to provide all the time for all our staff in the hospital."

Dr Whippy says three out of the seven doctors at Nadi Hospital come from overseas and they form an important proportion of staff that the hospital would be hard pressed to do without.