23 Sep 2006

Fiji Labour Party dissidents accuse leaders of derailing multi-party cabinet

9:00 am on 23 September 2006

A writ filed in the Suva High Court has accused senior Fiji Labour Party officials of conspiring to derail the multi-party cabinet.

Fiji TV reports that those named as defendants are the Labour leader, Mahendra Chaudhry, the party president, Jokapeci Koroi, and the assistant general secretary, Lekh Ram Vyashnoi.

The writ has been filed by the lawyer for the 5 senior FLP members facing disciplinary action for questioning Mr Chaudhry's leadership style.

It says the 3 defendants conspired to expel the dissidents from the party and force by-elections, thus derailing the multi-party cabinet.

The writ says they did this at a party national council meeting last month by calling for disciplinary action against the five, two of whom are cabinet ministers.