21 Mar 2006

Fijian chiefs threaten to dump their MP

10:17 am on 21 March 2006

The chiefs of Fiji's Lomaiviti province have threatened to dump the ruling SDL party if their MP and cabinet minister, Simione Kaitani, is endorsed for re-election.

The Fiji Sun reports that a spokesman for nine chiefs in the province, Ratu Josua Tubunaverevakabau, says the people of Lomaiviti do not want Simione Kaitani.

Ratu Josua says Mr Kaitani has never done anything for the province during his two terms and made lots of false promises.

The chief says if the SDL endorses him for the election, then the peoplewill field an independent candidate backed by the provincial council.

Another chief, Ratu Uluiviti, is quoted as saying that what they want is what the army commander has been saying all along - truth and justice.

The SDL's campaign director, Jale Baba, says the chiefs met him last weekend and expressed their preference for someone else.