23 Feb 2006

Key Fiji coup investigations close to be completed

7:25 pm on 23 February 2006

Decisions are imminent in Fiji on key coup and mutiny related prosecutions.

The Daily Post reports that among these is the possible prosecution of a former military commander for his alleged incitement of the November 2000 mutiny.

The newspaper says police have recommended to the Director of Public Prosecutions that the individual be charged.

It says police have also recommended that a convicted government senator and others be charged for inciting the burning down of the Girmit Centre in Lautoka at the height of the coup when it was sheltering refugees fleeing terrorist attacks in Muaniweni.

The Post says investigations into the former military commander's alleged involvement in the mutiny were based on revelations by the former commander of the Third Battalion, Lt Col Viliame Seruvakula, who put down the insurrection.

It says among other coup files being studied is one on the alleged plot to kidnap and assassinate the prime minister at the time of the coup, Mahendra Chaudhry.

Yet another file deals with the removal of the then president, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, from office where the Doctrine of Necessity is reported to have been used, and the arson attack on his farm at Seaqaqa on Vanua Levu.